This is a page about the gorge 13year old Calvin!
Have u eva seen the s club juniors and looked @ Calvin and thought 'He is so fit!?' I have! mind u i do that everyday! If u have, here are a few pages about him! |
Mine & Lisa's interview wit Calvin: Emily & Lisa: Out of all the s club junior tracks, what 1 is ur fav? Calvin:i like puppy love because i get lead vocals (laughs), erm... proberbly You are the one aswell because it's got good words, and also i like Feel the beat because of the tempo
Emily & Lisa: Who is ur bst m8 in the band?
Calvin: Aaron (bt only coz I live wit im)
Emily & Lisa: How long duz it take u 2 do ur hair?
Calvin: on average about 5-10minutes when i do it myself. But usually i get it done by the make-up artist... (by the way, i don't wear make-up)
Emily & Lisa: Wot ave u asked 4 christmas this year?
Calvin: mainly PS2 games, but other little things aswell...heehee. I've got the other juniors prezzies and i've got my parents and james' aswell
Emily & Lisa: If u had 2 dedicate Puppy Love 2 anyone part 4rm Rachel Stevens, would it b?
Calvin: My mum, she loves the song, and plus she's wikid. But young girl wise... (you can hear aaron shouting he's a flirt!!) .....anyone who likes me
Emily & Lisa: Who is the most dedicated fan u have eva met apart 4rm Lisa?
Calvin: *laughs* They're are alot of them and I love them all, Thanks for all the support
Emily & Lisa: Whatz the best thing bout bein Calvin-Scj, not Calvin Goldspink?
Calvin: Umm....that's a hard one!.... My life hasn't changed that much apart from I get loads more attention. But you can spot some-one who we knew before S club Juniors a mile away that's just being mates for now reason. The whole experience is dead good though, I'llnever forget it.
Emily & Lisa: Whatz the best thing that happened 2 u in S club juniors?
Calvin: Getting chart topping singles and the album
Emily & Lisa: Who do u think is the most prettiest person in the music industry?
Calvin: Britney....Rachel S club, umm.... there's loads, and the s club junior girls are pretty too (thanks hannah)
Emily & Lisa: If there woz 1 thing u could change about urself, wot would it b?
Calvin: I don't think I want to change anything. My life's great. Obviously it ain't perfect. But if I had to change one thing, I'd change the people who pretend to be us because thats SAD!
Calvin: Aaron Loves bein in scj because its always been his dream!
(I'd like 2 thank Calvin 4 takin the time 2 do this interview!)
A bit about me!
Hi im Emily! Im 12years old (nearly 13!) and I am mad about Calvin Goldspink(4rm s club juniors). I think he is the most lovely person in the world!
My best mate is Lisa, she is so kewl!!!
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S club juniors
S club juniors were formed in the year 2002! I think they are the bestest band in pop-history and always will be!

Calvin- the fittest boy in the world!
I love that pic of Calvin!!! (but i love every pic!)
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